

This page is a compilation of news regarding animals in our local press and is currently a work-in-progress. This page will be updated periodically.

If there are any articles that are of interest which are not listed, please email with the relevant links.

August 2012
2012-08-02 STAR Even dogs need a park

July 2012 
2012-07-24 STAR New Animal Welfare Bill to be put online for the public
2012-07-20 STAR Rousing support for Animal Welfare Bill
2012-07-19 STAR Animal Welfare Bill draft gets massive public support
2012-07-05 STAR Cops come to dogs' rescue at home of murder suspect

June 2012
2012-06-29 STAR There's no justice for abused animals, says welfare groups
2012-06-24 STAR Pet dogs found living in squalor
2012-06-20 STAR Animal welfare law must be fair to all, say Tee Yong
2012-06-13 STAR Roshidi: Stray dogs put down and buried properly at landfill by contractor
2012-06-06 MMAIL What not to do in a dog attack

May 2012
2012-05-31 STAR Hunt for dogs that mauled cowherd
2012-05-30 STAR Farm helper traumatised by dogs mauling his brother's body
2012-05-18 STAR Dog lovers up in arms on proposal to ban 6 breeds
2012-05-17 STAR MPSJ may ban restricted dogs
2012-05-17 STAR Residents in Butterworth want humane treatment of stray puppies
2012-05-16 NST You can stare down killer dogs
2012-05-14 STAR Wani's quest to rescue ill-treated canines
2012-05-14 STAR Send dogs for training
2012-05-14 STAR It's the owner not the breed
2012-05-13 STAR Bad dogs or bad owners?
2012-05-10 STAR Extra care for aggressive dogs
2012-05-09 STAR Bull terrier kills jogger
2012-05-08 STAR Jogger mauled to death by pit bull
2012-05-04 STAR Celebrity to walk for the dogs on Wesak Day

April 2012
2012-04-23 STAR Public can view Animal Welfare Bill soon

March 2012
2012-03-24 STAR Boy gets 20 stitches after 3 dogs attack him

February 2012
2012-02-24 STAR 28 dogs rescued from euthanasia
2012-02-23 STAR PAWS: Don't' buy pets for fun
2012-02-20 STAR Rescued corgi among 80  dogs at biggest canine adoption drive
2012-02-17 STAR Looking for homes
2012-02-17 STAR Strays in need of more space
2012-02-14 STAR Homes needed for 50 puppies
2012-02-13 STAR Owners and pets show their bond at special gathering
2012-02-05 STAR Loyal canine rests in peace
2012-02-01 STAR Postman bitten by dog and three days later owner beats him up

January 2012
2012-01-30 STAR Best friends to the end
2012-01-23 STAR Volunteer rescues eight dogs from illegal breeders
2012-01-21 STAR Say hello to Mimi and Billy, the much loved but destructive dynamics duo
2012-01-12 STAR Constantly taunted stray dogs will turn aggressive
2012-01-06 STAR Artiste organises project to help dog related association

September 2011
2011-09-12 STAR Instill care and love for animals

January 2011
2011-01-20 STAR Dog Owners With Unapproved Structures May Be Fined Nine Times the Fee
2011-01-20 STAR Report on Killer Dogs to be Revealed Today
2011-01-18 STAR Sterilise pets to prevent rise in the number of strays
2011-01-13 STAR No Pets Permitted
2011-01-12 STAR Animal Shelter's Stock Destroyed by Flood
2011-01-12 STAR Dog Attack Victim's Ashes to be Flown Back to Ireland 
2011-01-11 STAR Eye on Two Killer Dogs
2011-01-11 STAR Friend Won't Press Charges Against Farm Owner
2011-01-10 STAR Dogs that Mauled Tourist Shouldn't be put to Sleep
2011-01-10 STAR Farm Owner to Surrender Dogs to Veterinary Department
2011-01-10 STAR Tourist Dies in Dog Attack
2011-01-09 STAR Irish Tourish Dies After Being Attacked by Two Dogs
2011-01-06 STAR Spay and Neuter Programme to Control Growing Population of Stray Animals

October 2010
September 2010

July 2010
2010-07-22 NST Science: Tracking canine abusers with dog DNA